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How you learn what you learn


will determine what you will become



If you open up a cylinder which geometrical shapes will it take? Stumped! Thinking hard?


Sometimes you believe you have understood when you actually haven't. And remember true knowledge is about understanding not memorizing. Smartclass, will help you understand in a way you have never understood before. And when you understand better you’ll score better. And what happens when you score better? Ah, you know that, don’t you? Doors open.


Here are the Life Transforming tools of CTS that will forever revolutionize the way you learn:


  • Animations: with rich graphic like 2D & 3D that helps explain abstract concepts.

  • Real Life Application: that shall help students to appreciate the relevance of academic concepts and then apply in real life situations.

  • Diagram Maker: a never before, step by step illustration of complex diagrams that helps teachers to explain how to make diagrams from the exams point of view, click-by-click.

  • Weblinks: teachers will have ready access to a library of relevant web resources for every chapter.



How well your child learns today will determi


As a parent, Let us take you back to the days when you were in school. Remember learning something like say ....‘’Pollination in Flowers” in class? 


Perhaps this is how you learnt listened to your teacher as she explained the concept of pollination while drawing it on the blackboard ..













And you heard a teacher explaining “Pollination is the process by which pollen is transferred in plants, thereby enabling fertilisation and sexual reproduction. Pollen grains transport the male gametes (sperm) to where the female gamete(s) are contained within the carpel;In gymnosperms the pollen is directly applied to the ovule itself. The receptive part of the carpel is called a stigma in the flowers of angiosperms. The receptive part of the gymnosperm ovule is called the micropyle. Pollination is a necessary step in the reproduction of flowering plants, resulting in the production of offspring that are genetically diverse.


And you read the same description of Pollination in your text book with some static pictures.


How much of that did you understand and then remember?


Now here’s how children in school’s that have Educomp smartclass learn about “pollination”.












Millions of children in thousands of schools across India are learning this way and thereby acquiring a superior understanding of concepts and performing better. A fact that has even been endorsed through an independent research conducted by none other than DUN& BRADSTREET one of the world’s most renowned research independent research agencies.


L K Matriculation Higher Secondary School is fully equipped with smart classes right from Pre KG to Standard 12.

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